Innovative diffusion bonding technologies for un-weldable materials
A new era in Diffusion Bonding
Structural alloys with complex profiles and non-planar surfaces are
diffusion bonded by Hot Isostatic Pressing WITHOUT any encapsulation
Tensile strengths in bonded Titanium, Stainless Steel and Superalloys exceeded those of the monolithic parent alloys.
Bond tensile strength of Single Crystal Superalloy PW-1483 reached 0.97 GPa.
Invented by Dr Amir Shirzadi - UK Patent application was filed by The Open University on 04 June 2024.

Submission Invitation
Guest Editor: Amir Shirzadi
Download Open Access Articles on Diffusion Bonding
Diffusion Bonding
Titanium Alloy to Alumina
Projects & Developments
Fail-safe diffusion-bonded printed circuit heat exchangers (PCHE) with integrated leak detection system
Diffusion Bonding Sapphire to Inconel 625, Titanium, Aluminium and Stainless Steel

Sapphire bonded to Titanium frame withstood 120 bars of internal hydraulic pressure before cracking.
Applications: Inspection windows for ITER & Tokamak Fusion Reactors
Solid-State Diffusion Bonding
Aluminium to Stainless Steel in Air

Courtesy of Wallworks, UK

Courtesy of Atlas Technologies - USA
Courtesy of Wallworks, UK

Aluminium to Aluminium
Aluminium to Titanium

Al-6%Mg (5000 series) diffusion bonded to stainless steel
One of the most difficult combinations of structural alloys to join
Dr Amir Shirzadi (The Open University)
ChengCong Zhang (Wuhan University of Science and Technology)

Diffusion Bonding
Tungsten Carbide to Stainless Steel
Thermal Shock Resistant

Component Made of Aluminium Powder by Diffusion Bonding
Courtesy of Dr Amir Shirzadi - funded by The Open University (Space Science and Exploration)
Joining High Temperature Thermoelectrics (300 to 500°C)
Electrically & Thermally Conductive Joints with Shock-resistant Diffusion Barrier to Protect Skutterutide

Laminated Object Manufacturing (LOM)
Ultra-high pressure laminated aluminium heat exchangers for jet engines
Fuel Oil Heat Exchangers (FOHE) are critical components of modern jet engines. Their primary function is to cool the hot engine lubrication oil while heating the cold fuel coming from the fuel tank before it enters the combustion chamber. The fuel heating increases the engine efficiency substantially by recuperating the waste heat from the oil into the fuel. The fuel/oil pressures and temperatures required are increasing with the development of more efficient jet engines. "Gallium-Assisted Diffusion Bonding" is used to join stacks of aluminium plates containing fluid flow channels; without the weaknesses and limitations inherent in traditional brazing. The article describes a new technology for manufacturing more efficient and lighter Fuel/Oil Heat Exchangers than conventional shell and tube ones.
Presentation by Dr Amir Shirzadi
International Congress and Exhibition on Aluminium Heat Exchanger Technologies for HVAC&R 2019
07 – 08 May, 2019 Düsseldorf/Germany
Diffusion Bonded Heat Exchangers Used in Jet Engines & Oil & Gas Reformers
Aluminium / Stainless Steel / Superalloy

Maximum channel pressure ~ 16,000 PSI
(based on 2222 kg tensile strength)

Inconel micro-channel reformer
(tensile tested)

Laminated aluminium heat exchangers,
high temperature Inconel reformer, and stainless steel micro-channel medical device have tensile strengths comparable to those of the corresponding parent alloys.
Diffusion Bonding Sapphire to Aluminum / Titanium
Applications: Optical Devices
Hybrid Non-Magnetic Hermetic Bellow
Titanium bellow, made by TIG welding process, has been diffusion bonded to an aluminium tube leading to a fully hermetic seal.

Diffusion Bonding of Titanium to Stainless Steel: 313 MPa Tensile Strength
Funded by UK Research and Innovation based on patented process by Amir Shirzadi

Bimetal Flanges & Couplers

Al / Ti Al / Steel

Al / Ti

Bonding Similar & Dissimilar Titanium Alloys
High Precision
Diffusion Bonding of
Satellite Components
Miniature turbine with 0.5 mm tall blades
fabricated by diffusion bonding
(+/-10 Microns)

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